Områder: Jobb hjemmefra
Selger til: Maritim og offshore
Type mulighet: Salgsagent
Betingelser: From start we can only offer payment per sale as a % of total.
Fordeler: Gode provisjonsbetingelser / Innovativt produkt/tjeneste / Salgsleads
Salgskanaler: Hovedsakelig på telefon/webmøter
EMENERGI is an independent energy consulting company with 20 years of experience in energy optimization and conversion. We provide knowledge and expertise within reducing CO2 emissions, conversion to alternative fuels, optimization of your energy consumptions, technical feasibility studies and power to X projects.
Our customers is all types off vessel within transport, goods, fishing, ferries and production.
Sjekk andre anbefalte muligheter innen Maritim og offshore.
RAB Microfluidics sells a patented new analytical device for monitoring of lubricating oil quality. Our digital devices can help vessel…
We need a freelance sales agent to handle the nordic european marked. One that is allready known within the maritime business and can see our service as a part of their portofolier. The candidate should be familier with shipping and have a network within the maritime business.