RAB Microfluidics Ltd

Områder: Jobb hjemmefra / Sørlandet

Selger til: Maritim og offshore

Type mulighet: Salgsagent

Betingelser: Any engagement will be subject to contract terms.

Fordeler: Enkle ordresystemer / Gode provisjonsbetingelser / Grundig opplæring og oppfølging / Høyt inntektspotensial / Innovativt produkt/tjeneste / Mulighet for eksklusivt område / Støtte til salg og markedsføring

Salgskanaler: Hovedsakelig i fysiske møter

RAB Microfluidics sells a patented new analytical device for monitoring of lubricating oil quality.

Our digital devices can help vessel owners to prevent damage to their equipment through high-frequency testing.

Office staff can view laboratory quality test results in real time with new cloud-based software.

Our products

Digital lubricant testing devices

Cloud-based lubricants analysis software

Denne muligheten er interessant fordi:

  • Enkle ordresystemer

    All ordering and sales processing will be handled in-house.

  • Gode provisjonsbetingelser

    Commission paid based on annual rental of devices to customers

  • Grundig opplæring og oppfølging

    Full technical training and support will be provided.

  • Innovativt produkt/tjeneste

    New patented technology

Target market


Off-shore oil and gas

Technical Sales Professionals

Technical sales professionals with good existing contacts and relationships within the maritime technical management industry.