Neilpryde Scandinavia A/S

Områder: Midt-Norge / Nord-Norge / Østlandet / Sørlandet / Vestlandet

Selger til: Sport og friluftsliv

Type mulighet: Forhandler / Nasjonalt agentur / Salgsagent

Fordeler: Gode karrieremuligheter / Grundig opplæring og oppfølging / Salgsleads / Støtte til salg og markedsføring

Salgskanaler: Hovedsakelig i fysiske møter

Scandinavian distribution expert / brand hub with more than 25 years of experience.

Warehouse located in Denmark, with more than 250 shipments a month across the Scandinavian countries.

The distribution covers 14 high end brands within Watersports, wintersports and cycling.


We make the process of purchase for shops easy and understandable.

14 brands under one roof, one contact person and no handling of shipping for retailers.

We do all the work for the shops to focus on selling.

Denne muligheten er interessant fordi:

  • Gode karrieremuligheter

    For the right candidates there will be possibilities to get a job direct in the company and act as a local hub for the distribution in your home country.

  • Grundig opplæring og oppfølging

    Consistant product / sales training, followup on sales and sparring about what we can do to make you ramp up the sales.

  • Salgsleads

    It will be your responsibility to find new business, but we will support with all the leads we get throught different channels.

  • Støtte til salg og markedsføring

    We will support with marketing and everything you need to do proper sales and expand the brands.

Målgruppe (hvem selger dere til)


Denne annonsen er utløpt

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Denne muligheten passer for:

We are looking for sales agents with a network in outdoor, wintersport, cycling and sportshops.We offer you to be part of our Scandinavian team with sales training, exibitions and meetings directly with some of the most exiting brands within their feld of business.

You will be part of developing sales and the company towards a new era of distribution with a focus on the right sales tools and maximum benefit for shops and brands. In the future, for the right candidates there will be possibilities to get a job direct in the company and act as a local hub for the distribution in your home country.